Simplicity is the key trend in PR in 2024

Let’s talk about simplified brand messaging!! Written by Keerthana Suresh While in PR, it is very important to keep up your brand’s messaging. But in today’s hustle cultured life not everyone has the time and patience to read and understand complex messaging. Hence simplified brand messaging is currently the top trends of 2024 in the […]

Language And Accent – Fake It Or Keep It?

Written by Keerthana Suresh Language has always had the power to dictate our personality. Although we have come a long way in terms of globalization, English is still considered to be the scale of measurement in gauging a person’s ability to be successful in their career. Often times, during an interview a candidate loses their […]

Feel confident with these small and detailed tips while networking

Written by  Keerthana Suresh Living in Toronto, I learnt the hard way that an immigrant’s life is no cake walk. The life you create here as a newcomer is going to help you live your life generously as a settled Canadian. Out of the many things we do to establish ourselves and our professional selves, networking […]

Best Parts of Living Abroad as an International Student

Written by Keerthana Suresh, an aspiring Communications Professional. How many of us dream of studying in a well acclaimed institution in a new country? I’m sure most of us do!! But I did not in my wildest dreams plan on living the life of an international student, so when life gave me the chance to […]