Ayushman Pisupati

Ayushman Pisupati's Bio

I’m Ayushman, a fresh graduate from the Public Relations – Corporate Communications program at Centennial College. With a passion for visual communication, I drive narratives through impactful storytelling. I believe the best way to reach an audience is to connect them with stories they can relate to.

I have a background in Documentary Filmmaking which taught me the different ways you can craft compelling narratives. In 2023, I launched a PR campaign called ‘Dear Toronto’ with some of my classmates at Centennial College where we produced a series of three videos which were aimed at bringing attention to the resources that Centennial College has, to help incoming international students. I was also invited to participate in two interviews for CBC Radio and CBC News for this very campaign.

I also have extensive experience writing news stories with beats ranging from city news to international affairs. Through my PR program at Centennial, I was able to translate my journalistic writing style to fit into the communications industry.

I’m super comfortable working with cameras, their equipment and editing software like Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. Shop talk aside, I enjoy exploring the city and going on photo-walks.

Coffee Chats hosted by Ayushman Pisupati

Articles written by Ayushman Pisupati