The Game Changing Guide to Crisis Management

In today’s fast paced digital world, every press release and tweet has the power to influence public opinion. It isevident to someone who is new to the PR and marketing industry that crisis management provides anopportunity to establish credibility and demonstrate authenticity in addition to merely containing harm. Step 1: Face the New Realities of […]

The Unconventional Marketing Moves That Made General Electric a Household Name

© General Electric (GE) is not merely a company that makes light bulbs and jet engines. It’s a brand that because of its bold and creative marketing strategies has managed to stayed relevant for over a century. GE doesn’t just sell products; it sells stories, ideas, and experiences. Here’s how GE used unconventional marketing to connect […]

Influencer Marketing in the Industrial Sector: Is It the Next Big Thing?

© Most of the time, we associate influencer marketing with promotion of beauty products, lifestyle brands, or sharing experiences on social media, something which is not very usual in the industrial sector. However, this area of business is beginning to understand the potential of technical influencers who bring expertise and real-world ideas for their audiences. These influencers […]