Simplicity is the key trend in PR in 2024

Let’s talk about simplified brand messaging!!

Written by Keerthana Suresh

While in PR, it is very important to keep up your brand’s messaging. But in today’s hustle cultured life not everyone has the time and patience to read and understand complex messaging. Hence simplified brand messaging is currently the top trends of 2024 in the PR industry where you try to break your brand’s messages and values into simple yet crisp content conveying what it should to its target audience and leave a lingering thought with its readers.

Here are few things to keep in mind while inculcating simplified brand messaging into your PR strategy.

  1. Understanding your brand deeply – Crucial step in every strategy we build in PR. Knowing what your brand does and how it does is a very huge step which will get you closer to what the brand wants to convey to their audience. I call it “Finding your chemistry with the brand”, because unless you understand a particular thing in all its intricacies will you able to talk about it effectively.
  2. Find the tone or the “Voice” of your brand – Authenticity holds a lot of value, so it is imminent to find the right tone and character for your brand. One thing leads to another; once you know the voice of your brand, crafting simple messaging becomes a tad bit easier.  Be aware though, like a lot of mentors’ highlight, simplicity is not equal to superficiality. A deep voice and a sturdy character for your brand will stand out more than anything.

3. Consistency & Alignment – Make sure to craft messaging that will stay consistent across platforms and speaks out what the brand has always said. A brands messaging should also align with its vision and core values otherwise there is a chance that people will misjudge your brand to a different one. It is important to know how a human brain functions; we always remember information with a pattern and consistency thrown at us regularly.

4. Put yourself in their shoes – To test your messaging, put yourself in your target audience’s situation and see if it resonates with you, leaving an impression. For this though it is also necessary to understand who your target audience are and what they are expecting.

5. Give it a few test runs – Your best bet would be to put your messaging out to a survey group/s to know the response and always work back on your messaging to get 100 percent efficiency.  Be your own judge and know that it is not wrong to craft various messaging with simplified words because that is what is going to determine your success.

Follow these steps if you are building a brand or are already working on a brands messaging. It is not a cake walk to draft a brand’s messages with simple words that speak a certain depth about the brand and convey everything it has to, hence a lot of mentors out there have really useful tips to help us PR professionals.

Hope this one helps you along the way too!!

Keerthana Suresh

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